Board of Representatives

The board of representatives accompanies the institute’s work. The members of the board of representatives are appointed by name.

Chairman of the Board of Representatives

© Photo: IHK Flensburg

Björn Ipsen is the managing director of the IHK Flensburg.

The IHK Flensburg is the chamber of commerce in charge for tourism in Schleswig-Holstein.

Members of the Board of Representatives

Dr. Julia Körner (Deputy chairman) is the managing director of the IHK Lübeck and is head of business units “start-ups” and “business support”.

Johannes Hartwig is Head of Technologie, Tourism and Marketing in the Ministery of Economic Affairs, Transport, Employment, Technology and Tourism of the Land Schleswig-Holstein.

Dr. Catrin Homp is managing director of the Tourismusverband Schleswig-Holstein e.V.

Filia Severin is a consultant for tourism, culture and leisure industry | location policy of the IHK Lübeck.

Frank Ketter is managing director of the Nordsee-Tourismus-Service GmbH.

Axel Strehl is president of the DEHOGA Schleswig-Holstein.