The NIT is well integrated into scientific and tourism-related networks.
Partly, these networks are also represented within the different boards of the NIT.
Forschungsgemeinschaft Urlaub und Reisen e.V. (FUR)
The FUR is an independent association of domestic and international users of tourism research in Germany and carries out the Reiseanalyse. The NIT is the scientific partner of the Reiseanalyse and runs the office of the FUR in Kiel.
Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel (CAU)
Since its foundation the NIT cooperates closely with the CAU. Numerous members of the University of Kiel are represented on the scientific advisory board of the NIT.
Fachhochschule Westküste (FHW)
The NIT cooperates with the German Institute for Tourism Research (formerly Institute for Management and Tourism (IMT)) at the University of Applied Sciences West Coast, Heide.
The membership of employees in relevant trade associations as well as their representation in decision-making bodies and advisory boards is part of the network of the institute.
- AIEST – International Association of Scientific Experts in Tourism (Martin Lohmann)
- Working group for the Tourism, Hotel and Hospitality Industry at the IHK Kiel (Martin Lohmann)
- Baltic 21 (Agenda 21 for the Baltic Sea Region) Tourism Task Force (Wolfgang Günther)
- Advisory committee for the survey “Sparkassen-Tourismusbarometer Schleswig-Holstein” (Martin Lohmann, substitutes: Wolfgang Günther, Kai Ziesemer)
- Consultant network of the Forschungsgemeinschaft Urlaub und Reisen e.V., Kiel (Martin Lohmann)
- BDP – Professional Association of German Psychologists (Martin Lohmann)
- BVM – Professional Association of German Market and Social Researchers (Dirk Schmücker)
- Coalition Clean Baltic NGO/ECO – Network Coordinator Tourism (Wolfgang Günther)
- DGT – German Association for Tourism Science, Dresden (Martin Lohmann)
- German subcommittee Interreg IVB – Baltic Sea Region Programme (Wolfgang Günther)
- EUCC Germany – Coastal Tourism Advisor (Wolfgang Günther)
- Working group “Leisure traffic and public tranport” FGSV – Forschungsgesellschaft für Straßen und Verkehrswesen (Bente Grimm)
- International Federation for IT in Travel & Tourism (IFITT) (Dirk Schmücker)
- INRouTe – International Network on Regional Economics, Mobility and Tourism, Bilbao (Ulf Sonntag)
- Member of the Jury for the Kieler Nachhaltigkeitspreis (Bente Grimm)
- Mobilität in Deutschland (MiD) – Scientific Advisory Board (Bente Grimm)
- NECSTouR – Network of European Region for a Sustainable and Competitive Tourism, Brüssel (Ulf Sonntag)
- Scandinavian Journal of Hospitality and Tourism, Stavanger/N: Editorial Board (Martin Lohmann)
- TRC Tourist Research Center, Wien (Martin Lohmann)
- WTO World Tourism Organisation: Panel of Tourism Experts (Martin Lohmann).
- Maritime Consulting Group e. V., Kiel (Wolfgang Günther)
- Jury of the Corps Touristique Award für Völkerverständigung (Bente Grimm)