
The NIT is well integrated into scientific and tourism-related networks.

Partly, these networks are also represented within the different boards of the NIT. 

Forschungsgemeinschaft Urlaub und Reisen e.V. (FUR)
The FUR is an independent association of domestic and international users of tourism research in Germany and carries out the Reiseanalyse. The NIT is the scientific partner of the Reiseanalyse and runs the office of the FUR in Kiel.

Christian-Albrechts-Universität Kiel (CAU)
Since its foundation the NIT cooperates closely with the CAU. Numerous members of the University of Kiel are represented on the scientific advisory board of the NIT.

Fachhochschule Westküste (FHW)
The NIT cooperates with the German Institute for Tourism Research (formerly Institute for Management and Tourism (IMT)) at the University of Applied Sciences West Coast, Heide.


The membership of employees in relevant trade associations as well as their representation in decision-making bodies and advisory boards is part of the network of the institute.