The Reiseanalyse (RA) is a representative survey of the holiday travel behaviours of Germans, their travel related attitudes, motivations and interests. The survey describes and analyses holiday trips of 5 days and more as well as short trips of 2-4 days. The survey has been carried out annually since 1970. In January each year a sample of approximately 8.000 people is surveyed which are representative for the German-speaking population (14 years and above) in private households. The sampling method is random and the interviews are conducted face-to-face. Due to the large sample size and the extensive methodological effort (face-to-face interviews, selection of samples through a multi-stage technique using the random route approach) the RA generates very reliable data in large and small market segments.
Since autumn 2007 the annual face-to-face survey is supplemented by online surveys with the RA online. The RA online is representative for the German-speaking population aged 14 to 70 years, living in private households in Germany (sampling method: random sampling within online access panel). The survey takes place twice a year in May and October with 2.500 repondents each. Topics focus on online-relevant questions as well as short and city breaks.
The NIT has been actively involved in the organisation and management of the Reiseanalyse for nearly 30 years. The NIT also manages the office for the Forschungsgemeinschaft Urlaub und Reisen e.V. (FUR). Ulf Sonntag, Bente Grimm, Friedericke Kuhn and further staff members of the NIT provide further assistance concerning content, reporting and customer care.
The NIT is responsible for the preparation and realisation of the thematic modules that are complementing the standard programme of the Reiseanalyse. The yearly changing modules address current issues and are selected in cooperation with the RA partners.
Further information on modules
Contact: Bente Grimm
In addition, the NIT compiles special analysis and presentations based on the Reiseanalyse. For example:
- numerous studies and presentations for selected regions (e.g. for Schleswig-Holstein, Saxony, Spain, Austria and Finland) as well as segments (Caravaning or nature holidays)
- special analysis of the modules (e.g. for Lower Saxony and Thuringia) and exclusive questions (e.g. for Saxony and the Nahverkehrsbund Schleswig-Holstein)
- time series analysis
- specific analysis in the scope of national and international research projects
More information, data and downloads concerning the Reiseanalyse can be found at https://www.reiseanalyse.de/home/.