German Tourism Award 2022
The 2nd prize of the jury of the German Tourism Association (DTV) goes this year to TourismusMarketing Niedersachsen GmbH. “The adaptation strategies for tourism in Lower Saxony are a trend-setting initiative of a state tourism organisation that takes a structured look at the consequences of climate change on tourism and sensitises and supports travel regions and service providers with a remarkable range of tools,” said Norbert Kunz. “An important process has been initiated here, because the question has long been not whether climate change will affect German tourism in particular, but how and where.”
Project content
Lower Saxony was the first federal state to carry out an area-wide project on the effects of climate change on tourism under the title “Tackling Climate Change – Adaptation Strategies for Tourism in Lower Saxony”. Since climate-related changes are already making themselves felt in Germany, the aim of this project has been to make Lower Saxony’s travel industry fit for the resulting challenges.
At a final event on 5 July 2022 at the Lower Saxony Ministry of Economic Affairs in Hanover, the TMN now presented the project results to the travel regions (to the press release (DE)). In addition to the climate impact analyses as a knowledge base, they will receive an adaptation compass and a series of practice-oriented tools to jointly continue the process of climate adaptation.
All materials developed in the project are available for download (DE) in the TourismNetwork Lower Saxony.
Under the direction of Tourismus Marketing Niedersachsen (TMN) and in close cooperation with the Lower Saxony Ministry of Economic Affairs, since the beginning of 2021, it has been worked out together with the travel regions where climate change will particularly affect the industry and which solutions can already be implemented to counteract the consequences in order to successfully and sustainably adapt the destinations to the consequences of climate change. The results of region-specific analyses of climate-related direct and indirect changes were fed back to the travel regions in a total of 15 events, and necessary and possible measures were discussed together.
The NIT supported the TMN both technically and in the practical implementation of the project and put together a project team together with adelphi research, dwif-Consulting and Fresh Thoughts-Consulting.