What role does sustainability play in travel planning of Germans, how sustainable is their travel behaviour practice and how do these two aspects develop over time? These questions are the focus of a research project of the Forschungsgemeinschaft Urlaub und Reisen (FUR). NIT is supporting the project with know-how and personal resources. For the first time, the project will provide an annual data-based monitoring of sustainability in holiday travel by Germans, from which it can be read how their sustainability performance develops when travelling. In comparison with the sustainability and climate protection goals of the Federal Government, it will become clear whether the current measures and impulses for the promotion of sustainability in travel are sufficient or need to be adjusted. The project is initially scheduled to run for three years. The first results are expected in spring 2022.
A methodology and indicators designed for this purpose have already been developed and tested by the NIT in the BMUV-funded project „Nachhaltige Urlaubsreisen: Bewusstseins- und Nachfrageentwicklung“ (Sustainable Holiday Travel: Awareness and Demand Development, 2019).
The project is financially supported by the Umweltbundesamt (Federal Environment Agency) (FKZ 3721 16 107 0) based on funds of the Bundesumweltministeriums (German Federal Ministry for Environment, BMUV).